Need help coping with stress?

  • Do you have a hard time setting your to-do list aside and relaxing?

  • Are you under pressure from deadlines at work or household duties piling up?

  • Are you are having trouble sleeping because of everything on your mind?

  • Do you constantly feel tired or get sick easily and don't know why?

  • Are you are experiencing stress-related illnesses (e.g., high blood pressure, IBS, headaches, etc.)?

  • Or maybe it’s hard to balance the needs of your kids with the rest of your life?

If you checked off some or all of the above, then your stress level may be doing more than just stealing your happiness, it may be putting you at risk of burnout or other serious issues.  Maybe you're already there: at the end of your rope and just wanting a break so badly that you're fantasizing about tropical vacations somewhere you can get a little peace and quiet.  Or your body and immune system are overloaded and can't fight off even the smallest thing so you get sick easily or chronically.  Perhaps your doctor even advised you to lower your stress level because you're at risk of more serious health issues.  You feel frustrated because you know something has to change, but can't see a way to fit one more thing into your life.

Everyone needs help managing stress sometimes

In today's busy world it often feels like you have to be "on" 24/7, which seems to leave little time for resting and recharging your batteries.  You have a lot to do and when the combined demands of work and life pile up it’s easy to feel stressed, overwhelmed and start sliding towards burnout.  Don’t worry, you are not alone.  According to the American Institute of Stress: 77% of people experience physical symptoms caused by stress and 73% experience psychological symptoms caused by stress.   

We feel stressed out about money, and work deadlines, and the political climate, our relationships, our kids, and on and on.  But not all stress is bad.  In the proper dosage it can motivate us to take appropriate action.  However, when it piles up so high that we feel like we can't make a dent, then we feel overwhelmed and stop trying to make changes.  That’s when it starts to affect our mental and physical health in more serious ways.  But it doesn't have to be that way.

Stress relief is possible

Millions of people struggle with stress every single day and there are things you can do to start overcoming the pain and worry right away.  Stress is highly treatable and with the proper help, you can get your stress under control and start living a happier and more fulfilling life again.  Many people forgo treatment, thinking that they should just “try harder” or “be stronger”, but suffering from stress is not a personal failing, and sometimes when we are stuck in a difficult pattern it’s beneficial to reach out for help.  

With the right support, I have seen clients go from a place where they are experiencing mental and physical health issues caused by chronic stress to a place where they feel like they can manage their stress again and get back to doing what they love.  

What if you could…

  • Manage your to-do list and still have time & energy leftover for you?!

  • Learn to relieve stress so it doesn’t bubble over into your relationships at home or work

  • Put an end to stress-eating and make healthier choices

  • Reduce stress on your body and immune system so you don’t keep getting sick

  • Leave work stress at the office and calm your mind so you can relax and sleep better

What does stress management counseling look like?

Treatment is individualized based on the needs of each person, but there are several approaches I typically draw from to help you make your stress more manageable or climb back out of the burnout hole.  First and foremost, my office is a no-judgement zone, so you can come and vent about whatever you’d like to get off your chest.  I will listen, offer feedback as well as tools and strategies for managing stress, including steps that can be started immediately.  

My approach is influenced by mindfulness and nature-based therapies, both of which have been shown to reduce stress on a biological level.  And no, that doesn’t mean we have to go backpacking or meditate on a mountain top.  I use simple practices that can be incorporated into your everyday life in very little time.  It’s less about adding new things to your life (because I know you’ve got enough going on already) and more about shifting patterns that may not be working anymore to ones that will work better for you. 

I use research-backed techniques like mindfulness practices and nervous system regulation to help calm your system when it feels stressed/overwhelmed, and teach you how to do this on your own when stress arises in your day-to-day life.  I have had clients come back after just one or two sessions and tell me what a difference it made for them to take a few moments to breathe or try one of the mindfulness techniques I taught them.  

Now, I know you may still have some concerns or questions about treatment…

Everyone is stressed, do I really need therapy?

That depends on how much your symptoms are interfering with your life.  Only you can decide when it’s too much.  Many people find treatment beneficial, even if they aren’t suffering from full blown burnout or major stress-related health issues yet.  I like to think of it like preventive maintenance for your car: if you have an oil leak, you don’t wait until all the oil is drained out and your engine seizes, leaving you stranded on the side of the road and causing you a costly and time-consuming repair.  It’s best to bring the car in for regular maintenance and repairs before it breaks down.  I invite you to treat your body and mind with the same care and respect you do your vehicle.  

I should be able to manage this on my own without stress Counseling…

I know all too well there is still a lot of stigma in our culture around reaching out for help or going to treatment, so I will say this:  Be careful not to “should” yourself, nothing good ever comes from me.  It only results in shame and feelings of failure - and that’s not what this is - you are not a failure.  Knowing when to ask for help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and many of the best world leaders survive by knowing which areas to get support in because no one can do it all.  

Secondly, treatment is kind of like a back massage: it’s awfully hard to do it for yourself.  And yes, I know you could roll around the floor on a tennis ball or get one of those self-massage machines, but you get my point - it’s not the same as receiving a massage from a trained professional.  Self-help has its value in many places, and sometimes seeing a professional counselor can speed up the process and get to places you can't reach on your own because we can act as a guide to show you the ropes. 

I just need a vacation and then I'll feel better...

That may be true, a nice break may be exactly what your mind and body need.  Especially if you’ve been running on empty for quite some time.    But it’s sort of like taking a pot of boiling water off the stove: when you remove it from the heat, the water stops boiling.  However, if the stove is still on high when you put the pot back down, it won’t take long for it to boil over again.  Same goes for you. 

If you take that vacation and then come back to exactly the same circumstances without changing anything, you will likely end up feeling the same way again soon enough.  Stress management counseling can help you turn down the heat on the stove so that you don’t keep boiling over.  


Start getting relief from stress today!

I have helped many people find relief from stress and recover from burnout.  Schedule a free consult call today to see how your life could be different with less stress & more energy for what you love.

If the support of a group environment might be helpful, check out the Stress Management Group page for info about the group I run periodically throughout the year.

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