
Hope During Dark Times for High Functioning Depression

Hope During Dark Times for High Functioning Depression

When we are stuck in the middle of a storm, whether it is literal of figurative, it sometimes seems like the rain will never stop and the clouds will never lift. For people with high-functioning depression, this is often the case.

If you are in the middle of riding out a storm, check on this week’s blog and find out why there is always hope, even in the midst of the darkest storms and what you can do to find hope again.

High-Functioning Depression Still Hurts

High-Functioning Depression Still Hurts

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about what depression really looks like that keep many people from seeking the help that could get them feeling better again, or stop others from reaching out and offering much-needed support.

People with high-functioning depression often still go to work and soldier on through their lives, appearing as though things are fine, even though they suffer mightily. In this week’s blog I talk about some of the myths that stop us from reaching out for help before things get too bad.

Focus on What You CAN Do, Not on What You Can't

Focus on What You CAN Do, Not on What You Can't

When life gets us down it’s so easy to give into the negative spiral that leads to the couch, Netflix, chocolate, or our beds. It’s easier to focus on what’s not working and what we can’t do, rather than focusing on what we still CAN do. (You can thank our evolutionary negativity bias for that one).

But when we give in to our tendency to focus on what’s wrong, we miss all of the things that are still working, all of the avenues we still have available for digging out of whatever hole we might be in. In this week’s blog, I talk about how shifting our perspective can have huge benefits. And I’ve included an inspirational video of my wheelchair dog to show the possibilities when we choose not to give up.

Will My Depression Ever Get Better?

Will My Depression Ever Get Better?

We all have moments in our life when we lose hope, when change seems impossible and we just want to pull the covers over our head and go back to sleep. We ask ourselves if the pain we are in will ever get better.

The truth is…probably not, unless we choose to do something about it. In this week’s blog I talk about some proven strategies to try that will help you heal if you are in a dark place.

A True Story: 5 Myths About Mental Health That Get in the Way of Happiness

A True Story: 5 Myths About Mental Health That Get in the Way of Happiness

Think you know what someone looks like when they have a mental health condition? Think again! There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about mental health conditions and what they really look like. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I'm going to share some true stories with you to illustrate what struggling with mental health really looks like, what gets in the way of asking for much-needed help, and how treatment can really make a difference.

Discover the 5 myths about mental health that might be getting in the way of your happiness or the happiness of someone you love.